
Photoshop collage assignment

23/10/2013 10:23
Today I did a collage of grandville island and a postcard collage based on it. During this assignment, I took the opportunity to look for features that would help improve the appearance of my collage and postcard. I saw the fx feature and after some instruction, I used it to make the words...

Photoshop 5 pictures

18/10/2013 14:35
Today for photoshop, I was instructed to put five things into a background picture and merge it. So that is what I did. I took a picture of a busy Tokyo, Japan and I added pictures in it. For one, amongst the crowds, there is a person without an umbrella, which made him stand out than everyone...

Photoshop Symmetry

16/10/2013 10:19
Today, we did photoshop. We worked on symmetry and we got to get a picture of a flower and flip it so that it is symmetrical. I learned that photoshop can symmetrize pictures so that it looks cool and even. This was a fairly easy assignment, except that I had to remember frequently to copy and...

Avatar Websites

06/09/2013 10:11
I worked on making avatars from 4 different websites. Each one has its unique feature. The 4 sites were Portrait Illustrator Maker, Dobbleme, Planet Creation, and Rasterboy. I also chose 2 other websites and made avatars based on them.       Portrait Illustration Maker is a...
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